And so Jog around the Blog nearly died a quiet death due to other commitments, lack of encouragement, but most of all losing sight of the goal. Which brings me to the question: why are we doing this? For whom? And what do we hope to achieve?
Allow me therefore to thank you for not responding to most of our previous attempts and entries, because it made me realize that we were doing something wrong. And maybe we are still not on the right track, but this is the one we're sticking to! :)
Therefore, back to our original plan with this blog before we derailed: - we want to commit to walk, run, trot, jog or crawl around a block once a week (for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for so long as we both shall live ;-) ), and we're hoping to inspire others to join us in this quest. To commit in public (just to keep you honest ;-)) to at least one tiny time slot out of your week; find a place, day and time, where you can have some alone time, or meet up with some friends or family and go for a short walk or run, around the block, or up and down a street - whatever rocks your boat. Say for instance, Monday nights, 18:00 at the local pub, every week. Call it your runners anonymous support meeting. Call it a book club if you like, but just commit to this one little session of physical activity. And when you find you lack motivation, or you're just not in the mood, we really hope Jog around the Blog can become the place to share your ups and downs.
Like Paul Dudley White said: "A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world."
So how about it? Anybody up for the challenge? And please tell us about your spot(s), time slot(s) and whether your going alone, or in a group. And of course keep us posted about how it goes!