Friday, June 10, 2011
Apologies for missing the plot!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The magical Marathon

As most of you will know, the marathon, a long distance running event of 42.195 kilometers, was instituted to commemorate the fabled and heroic run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon (hence the name) to Athens.
The story goes that brave Pheidippides ran the entire distance without stopping, exclaiming 'We have won!' when he finally reached his destination, and then promptly collapsed and died.
Thinking about it now, a couple of things could've contributed to his fate. He may have been over- or undertrained. If it was a case of overtraining, he obviously didn't taper enough before the big run. Did he do any quality sessions, tempo runs or hill training as part of his build-up? One also can't help wondering whether he did enough carbo-loading in the days leading up to the run. What was his hydration programme like - did he perhaps suffer from dehydration in the heat? Or did he make the mistake many runners make, of actually overhydrating during the run - something that some experts say may be even more dangerous to your health. Not having the luxury of the latest Polar heart-rate monitor, another problem may have been that he pushed too close to maximum heart rate for too long. Or who knows, running alone without any company, without even a trusty ipod to keep him entertained, he may have simply died of boredom - a marathon is a long way to be stuck with only your own thoughts...
One thing is for sure - it being the first marathon and all, he obviously did not have what us runners like to refer to as our "running memory". Take for instance the recent Mountain to Surf marathon that Wouna and I did with our good old running buddy Willie. Over the past decade or so, Willie has run loads of marathons, and many ultras including quite a few Comrades marathons. So, despite not getting around to much training, and having a bout of the flu also keeping him off the road, Willie finished the marathon, fairly comfortably. He did it on a total training distance of less than the length of a marathon. And he didn't even collapse or die!
Anyway, the point I actually want to get to is that the marathon really is a magical thing - no matter how many you've done, each marathon conquered remains a special occasion. Well worthy of a good bottle of bubbly. Or two...
During our running days in South Africa, we somehow never got around to doing as many marathons as we would've liked. There was always some excuse of being too busy, or not being ready, or some old lame excuse. Now that we've moved to New Zealand, we realise how many amazing SA marathons, big and small, we missed. Hopefully we can plan our future SA visits to coincide with some of the iconic events we still want to do.
On the flipside, as newbies on the New Zealand running scene, we are positively giddy with excitement about all the running events in general, and marathons in particular, that we want to do on the twin isles. Both on- and off-road. Looking at our little personal wish-list of events to still do this year, you'd swear we want to do all the Kiwi marathons in one year. We've done the Mountain to Surf, and we're already entered for two epic off-road marathons - the Dual, less than two weeks away, and then the T42 a couple of weeks later.
And in between there's still the iconic Rotorua marathon (a must-do event, and one of the biggest marathons in New Zealand) and not much further in the future there's the Wellington marathon, another very nice looking event. And then there's the Christchurch marathon (which may unfortunately be cancelled this year due to the recent earthquake disaster), the hugely popular Auckland marathon, the Dunedin Marathon, the West Coaster, the Wairarapa Country marathon and even the Great Barrier Island marathon!
Wonder what poor old Pheidippides would've thought about all that!?
Talking about our Greek friend, I should mention that the story of him running himself to death over the course of just over 42km is just one version of the story. And its not the one that paints him in the most impressive light.
According to another legend from the Greek historian Herodotus, Pheidippides' heroic run was actually from Athens to Sparta during the Greco-Persian wars, to ask for help, and then back again - a distance of more than 240 kilometers each way.
And according to this legend he didn't even collapse and die after this super-ultra marathon. Now THAT's impressive.
But personally I'm glad the 42km Marathon-to-Athens legend is the one that stuck in the popular conscience. Because otherwise we may never have had the privilege of experiencing the grueling joy of conquering our own magical marathons.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A miss is as good as a mile!
Having recently read about friend Ken's decision not to run a marathon due to being struck down by the flu, I couldn't help thinking about the times I had to quit/bail races due to some or other ailment. It is the worst thing possible and I can only sympathize with Ken for not even being able to start. The worst part is that you never forget those events - they end up forever haunting you as "unfinished business".
Years ago I was running my second Tough One 32km race in Johannesburg when, at the 27km mark, I suddenly felt like I was going to die there and then - my body felt like lead and I couldn't move an inch further. I had to lie down just to keep from passing out, while Gerry finished the run, fetched the car and picked me up next to the road where I was lying. I had to bail. On hindsight, I could have just rested a while until things got better (which it did, eventually) and walked the 5kms to the finish. But at the time, feeling like death and thinking there was a cut-off that we were going to miss (not thinking straight or asking anybody), I decided to just give up. Besides, while I was laying next to the road, I was terrified by not having the slightest idea what was happening to me, so I didn't dare carry on.
This was also a time when I firmly believed that the Coke supplied at races was making me nauseas and was therefore only drinking water at the refreshment stops.
As it turned out, after having blood tests done, I was diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic, so not taking the Coke to get my sugar levels up was an absolute disaster. It came as a complete surprise to me (and my doctor!) since no one in my family was diabetic and I wasn't obese, as is normally the case. The doctor even told me beforehand that he would test my insulin and sugar levels, but it was unlikely to be the culprit because I was too skinny. The tests unfortunately confirmed the dreaded dysfunctional pancreas and sugar fluctuation problem. From the doctor, I went to a dietician who explained the whole glucose-process and gave me very helpful tips on still being active (in fact, she reiterated the importance of exercise!), eating correctly and maintaining a good 'normal' life.
But to this day I can't forget that race, everything what went through my head, bailing, giving up … the emotional trauma of not being able to complete a race.
Not being able to start, as was the case with Ken, is another story, but the emotional baggage afterwards is more or less the same. For me at least. At another occasion, I had some serious ITB problems, and we had to abandon our plans to run the 50km Om-die-Dam Ultra, scaling down to the 21km little brother of the same event. A penalty fee applied, which wasn't the worst, but the T-shirt also looked different, somehow inferior. And then there was the medal, quietly reiterating that you did 'just 21kms', and not the 'real thing'. Everything adds up to remind you that you hadn't accomplished what you set you mind to. The disappointment somehow never subsides.
And then I also still have unfinished business with the 100km Amatola trail run … As Arnie the Terminator said, "I'll be back!".
I'm sure everyone has one or two or maybe more of these "unfinished business" events. They haunt you. Forever. Perhaps in the case of running, the saying should be "A miss is much worse than a mile"!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Remember that first time?
Whenever you do an event for the first time, it is special. However, if its a race that's been staged umpteen times before, the organisers might treat it in a slightly less special way. With a brand new, inaugural race everyone involved is excited and a little stressed, and more often than not the organisers will go the extra mile to make the day stand out just that little bit more.
What's more, when you're there at the very first race, and it turns out to be a continually great event, you can always, years down the line, be that old grey runner who gets welcomed at the finish as the one who's done every edition of the race since its inception.
What got me thinking about this was the Frontrunner Half Marathon that we did in New Plymouth a week ago. The race, staged together with the Wells Half-Ironman was a brand new sporting event on the NZ calendar. Nothing really exciting happened, but it was enough of a reason to at least make sure that we bought the (very nice) race T-shirts.
We've been lucky enough to experience a number of these events. Our very first marathon happened to also be the inaugural running of the Waterfall Mall marathon near Rustenburg. The special touch for the day was having a bunch of celebrities in the field - Comrades legend Bruce Fordyce, TV personality David Vlok, Gladiators lass Fire (or was it Ice?)... And they ran with us back-of-the-packers, sharing stories and jokes. I'm sure this helped the hours pass much quicker, and before we knew it our first marathon was behind us.
When trail running started gaining prominence in the 2000's in South Africa, we were also privileged to participate in the first Montrail Gauteng Winter Trail Series, a six-week series of 8-12km trail runs intended to introduce runners to the sport. The organisers managed to obtain huge sponsorships for the series, and we were treated to amazing spot prizes including buffs, technical clothing, shoes etc at each race. So being there for the inaugural event can have other fringe benefits as well!
Of course first-time events may also be prone to a couple of small (or not so small) hick-ups. In the case of the Frontrunner Half, they got the distance way wrong, and we ended up running an out and back course where the turnaround came about 700m too soon. It did make for a very impressive finishing time, though... :)
When we did the Cape Odyssey in 2008, it was the second running of the event. Despite the fact that it was supposedly "bigger and better" than the first, and despite it being special in its own right since it ended up being the last time the event was staged, I couldn't help feeling a touch of regret for not being there the year before as well. I'm sure the novelty of being part of the "Inaugural Cape Odyssey 5-day Trail Run" must've been very very special.
Of course the thing with an inaugural race is that it only ever happens once. If you missed it, you missed it. Never again. There are many wonderful running events that I still want to do, but where I've already missed Race Number One. So what do you do then? The best alternative, I'd say, is to try making sure that you're there when a special edition of the race gets run... With that in mind, here's a small dream list that I wouldn't mind completing (these are just a few - there's many more... yet another topic for another day):
- The 10th Kilimanjaro Marathon in 2012
- The 20th Augrabies Extreme Marathon in 2019
- The 30th Vienna Marathon in 2013
- The 40th Western States 100 Miler Endurance Run in 2016
- The 50th New York Marathon in 2019
- And even the 100th Comrades Marathon in 2024
How's that for a challenge! Guess the only outstanding piece of the puzzle is my winning Lotto ticket...!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Running up that hill

Even after this realisation that it was actually possible to top the hill without walking, it remained an important indicator of ability - each time we had a bit of a lapse in our running, or a layoff due to injury, the distance we could run up that hill before slowing to a walk, became a measure of our progress.
In addition to living in a hilly neighbourhood, we were also members of a running club whose weekly time trial route was famously, perhaps notoriously, hilly. Anyone who ever ran the CSIR race had a healthy respect for those hills.
As a result of this excessive hill-exposure, we became quite adept at hill running. We may not have been the fastest, but we were able to keep running up hills after many runners around us already had to gear back to walking pace.
And then we moved...
Our new hometown still had its hills, but the layout of the town allowed us a lot more freedom in selecting running routes, so it became possible to cover our daily running distance over much less hilly terrain. We still did some hilly runs now and then, but why torture yourself with hills every day if you don't have to, right? And so, slowly but surely, our hill-running 'super-powers' diminished.
And then we moved again...
This time we moved to a new country, New Zealand, renowned for being anything but flat. However, as fate would have it, the town we moved to proved to be one of the flatter areas around. Its not that we have no hills, on the contrary, but essentially our new hometown offers two types of running - flat as a pancake, or hilly as hell. And with our hill-powers already in a serious decline, its no surprise that we very much favour the flatlands. Our favourite of all these flat courses is a lovely 8km walkway next to the river - quiet, scenic, and 100% FLAT.
So you can imagine how much hill running we get up to these days!
As a result, even moderate hills have become challenging. Even tiny hills have us slowing down to almost walking pace, flailing our arms and panting dangerously. We feel every hill - this past weekend we did a half marathon that was staged on a coastal walkway that we expected to be seriously flat, but in fact had a few little surprise hills, proving quite tough.
The moral of the story? You can't run hills if you don't run hills...
So we've decided to start putting new effort into our hill-running. We're going to start actively looking for more hilly roads again, and we will run according to two pieces of wisdom we learned from fellow runners.
Words of wisdom 1: You never walk over the crest of a hill. Our buddy Ken H taught us this one. No matter how tough a hill is, and even if you walk 90% of the hill, once you get near the top you HAVE to start running. You gotta show that hill that it's not getting the better of you... you have to cross it as a RUNNER. Amazingly, it works, even if its just mental. (Or perhaps we are just mental!)
Words of wisdom 2: Heads down, swing your arms, and BYT VAS. This comes courtesy of South African ultra-distance legend Bruce Fordyce, whom we had the honour of running with during our very first marathon. (That sounds impressive - we ran with Bruce, the King of the Comrades - we must've been flying! But sadly no, we weren't running up front with the elites, Bruce was having a social run with some buddies at the back of the pack...) Anyway, we were all struggling up a nasty hill, when he shared these words of wisdom. And it really is as simple as that - three little actions. First, heads down - don't look at how long the hill goes on, just do your best where you are, and before you know it, the hill is behind you. Second, swing your arms - half the battle is won if you allow the rest of your body to help your poor legs in their time of need. Strong upper body strength is one of the big factors differentiating good athletes from the average Joes. And third, 'byt vas' - an Afrikaans phrase that basically means to 'be stoic; bite down and hold on'. In essence, it refers to perseverance, endurance, determination and persistence. And if you intend showing that hill who's boss, 'vasbyt' is the only way. The difference between the good runner and the great runner often has more to do with grit and perseverance than with raw talent.
So we will go forth - we will look for hills, and we will tackle them with heads down and arms swinging wildly, we will 'byt vas', and we will crest them at running pace.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Hit that perfect beat!

Miniature music players have taken over. The ipod, and a mass of ipod-like devices, have become a ubiquitous part of running culture - clothing manufacturers are even styling running clothes so that your ultra-hip little music player fits nicely into some funky 'i-pocket'. (Take a chance, take a chance, take-a take-a chance-chance!)
As a result, running with music has never been more popular, and runners the world over have their personal customised playlists to keep them trotting along. (Beat boy! Beat boy! hit that perfect beat, boy!) When I started running, luxuries like ipods were still the subject of science fiction movies, so I had to amuse myself with playing my favourite songs in my mind as I ran along. And to this day, I still very much prefer my 'virtual ipod' to the real thing - for starters I have a more or less infinite selection of tunes to choose from, from early childhood memories through to my latest fave. And secondly I'm less cut off from reality, so at least I'm somewhat aware of approaching cars, angry dogs etc. And since Wouna and I always run together, going the earphone route is just plain bad manners. (It's worse than typing SMS's on a coffee date.)
However, getting back to the point: music is an integral part of running, whether you do the ipod thing, recall songs in your mind, or even go the exhibitionist route and sing heartily (in-between huffs and puffs) as you charge up the hill. (You can go your own way... go your own way!) And obviously we all have different tunes and styles of music that rev our motors. My good friend Niel would happily run to the end of the earth on a solid playlist of 80's gold - Erasure, Eurythmics, Alphaville, Duran Duran... (Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?) And old Andy, always quite a sight with his ponytail and tie-dye bandana, is never happier than when the endorphins kicks in to a soundtrack of Jimi Hendrix or Janis Joplin. (Summertime... And the living is easy...) I know a couple of people who believe nothing gives you a boost like a good dose of heavy metal (I'm on a highway to hell!), while bland, unobtrusive elevator music is just the thing others need to get them in the zone.
My personal taste in music runs pretty wide, and I like to believe that my virtual playlist won't be found on many ipods around town. I can think of nothing better than some laid back 70s rock like Little Feat's Dixie Chicken to get me relaxed early on in a race, while I have a tendency to call on some old-timey bluegrass (how about some Flatt & Scruggs, anyone?) if I need a bit of a boost to pick up the pace. And surely songs like The Avett Brothers' Kick Drum Heart and The Clash's Brand New Cadillac were written specifically to lift me up when I have to dig deep on a marathon somewhere between the 32km and 35km marks. When I'm in the groove, just jogging along happily, songs seem to wander into my mind from all over - anything from Walken by Wilco to Trigger Cut by Pavement to Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side by Magnetic Fields to some old blues standard like John Lee Hooker's Boom Boom or Buddy Guy's version of Sweet Home Chicago.
And even on days that I really don't feel like running, one quick listen to James Brown getting all sweaty on I Feel Good, or Jerry Lee Lewis bangin' out Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On is usually enough to get me into my running shoes and out the door.
Whatever the situation, there's always a song that seems to fit perfectly - I cannot imagine the world without it. And while I'm running and flicking through my mind-pod, something is sure to pop up that even suits the rhythm of my stride...
I'm curious - are you like me, with a soundtrack (real or virtual) accompanying every moment of your life, or do you prefer it peaceful and quiet. And if you do enjoy some tunes on the run, which are the big ones that you keep coming back to? Any specific tunes that you've discovered that give you that extra oomph? Please do share - I can always do with some new additions to my playlist!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Born to run

Monday, January 31, 2011
Rainy day runs

On one such occasion, haven pre-entered for a half marathon, I remember us sitting there with the car's heater on full blast, just looking at each other. We knew exactly what the other one was thinking. But as more people were leaving their warm, dry, protective cars and making their way to the start, we realized (as my mom always says) "you won't melt". And what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Besides, we knew very well how we would feel two hours later, having completed the 21km run as apposed to bailing out and going home.
So we stepped out the the car and into the rain, joining the rest of the runners huddled together under the start banner - a seriously sorry looking bunch. As we got wetter, everybody started to see the humor in the situation. The gun went off and we were on our way. After about a kilometre we were soaked to the bone. Every now and again one had to dodge the puddles in the road, while others were going all out, jumping and splashing in them like crazy.
And then, after 10 minutes, the rain suddenly stopped! The remainder of the race turned out to be one of the greatest runs weather wise that we could ever have hoped for. Cool and overcast with the sun peeping through the clouds every now and then. We could run ourselves dry and I was thinking to myself that all the participants who decided to rather go back home to their warm beds must be so disappointed with themselves.
But that's life, and the choices we make - to this day I am glad that we chose to be part of the crazy bunch!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Oh budget, where art thou?

Buying a commemorative T-shirt:
The burn of the air in your lungs as you clear that hill at the 25km mark:
Yes, its difficult to measure, in monetary terms, the value you get out of a running event. Looking back at the past decade, few things have left a deeper impression in my memory than the wonderful, tough and enjoyable races we've been fortunate enough to be part of.
I love official running events. Whether its a midweek 7km fun run, a big city marathon or some far-off, exotic trail run, there's something very special about entering for an event, training and preparing for the big day, arriving at the start with all the other entrants, dealing with the butterflies in your stomach just before the start gun, interacting with the helpers and officials along the route, and finally the thrill of crossing the finish line, preferably with music thumping and the announcer reading out your name and congratulating you on a race well run (even if you finish hours after the elite racers who sprinted across the line earlier in the day).
Yep, running events are great... And whatever you pay for an event, looking back in time you're probably going to chalk it up as money well spent. Unfortunately, and increasingly, many of these events aren't cheap. City marathons get more expensive each year, and the big trail running events in particular leave a significant dent in your wallet. Even more so if, like us, you're a couple who both run. And often there are additional costs, like paying for transport to the start/finish of a point-to-point race, or paying for commemorative clothing (and admit it, you really want to own that official technical Tee from the big off-road ultra that you battled several hours to conquer).
Then there's the magic of experiencing an international event - who doesn't fantasize about lining up for the London, New York or Athens marathons, or taking on the Western States 100 Miler in California, or for that matter doing something crazy like the annual Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling event in England. Its a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but one that could have a disastrous impact on your finances.
Spending money on an addiction is not something that can be soberly justified. A smoker is not suddenly going to cut down on cigarettes to free up some grocery money; a coffee aficionado is not going to switch to instant brew to help balance the budget. They'd rather give up something else.
And so it is for us running addicts too. My old work pants are surely still good for another season - I'd rather spend that $50 on next weekend's half marathon. I don't really need that new running top and socks to match my running shoes - if I run a couple more races in my faded old running clothes I can invest the money I saved in my Running of the Bulls savings account. And come to think of it, settling for box-wine every now and then is not so bad if that means I can squeeze another marathon into my budget. And if I take up barefoot running I may even save the expense of new trainers every few months!
At least that's me. How do you manage your running finances? Ever cut corners to free up some money for a special event? Taken out a loan to do that too-good-to-miss multi-day endurance event? Or are you one of the lucky ones who have not succumbed to the temptation of organised events, and who are content with a solitary long run on the weekend on some lovely back-country roads?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Runners Pasta recipe - try it, you'll love it!
500g fusilli or fresh taglierini pasta
250g basil pesto or olive tapenade
200g artichoke hearts
150g kalamata olives (remove stones first!)
150g roasted peppers
2 handfuls (30g) fresh basil - torn into pieces
100g pine nuts (or slithered almonds) - toasted (pop under the oven grill for a few minutes)
100g sun-dried tomatoes (preferably marinated) - finely sliced
250g cooked bacon - dice into pieces (smoked salmon/smoked chicken breast/tuna are other great options)
200g goats cheese or feta - crumbled into pieces
Place the cooked pasta into a large bowl, add the pesto and toss through to coat the pasta. Add the rest of the ingredients. If you are serving the pasta warm, add the cheese last just before serving. Garnish with fresh basil or parmesan/pecorino shavings.
"This dish has amazing versatility and is great eaten warm or cold and invites one to play around with the idea that the dish is what you make of it," says Shapiro. "You can decide to add or subtract ingredients at will, such as anchovies, cherry tomatoes, fried mushrooms or soft boiled eggs. Remember, when cooking pasta you need lots of rapidly boiling, salted water. No oil is necessary and you don't place a lid onto the pot - it will boil over! When cooking pasta, don't forget to stir the pot from time to time. Fresh pasta from the refrigerated section of a supermarket takes only about 4 minutes to cook".
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Eating on the run - is it rude to say no?

Pete had a very amusing "principle" on the subject: it's rude to say no when a friendly spectator or helper offers you something to eat during a race. As a result, he obviously had his share of weird eat-and-run anecdotes - fish and chips (offered by a spectator with a huge toothless grin) on the Cape Flats, home-brewed beer from a shebeen in Soweto, church-bazaar fudge in a small Karoo town, and a generous helping of Old Brown Sherry presented by a group of very jolly, scantily-clad students during the sub-zero temperature Rhodes Run. Luckily for Pete, he had a strong constitution, and most of these culinary delights were handled without any adverse consequences.
I am similarly blessed - I very seldom experience problems from eating the odd sausage, or downing a tot of schnapps during a run. Thus I try to also stick to the 'Pete principle' - it's just good manners, see? In fact, I quite enjoy coming across something new to eat on a run. I'm not sure how I would handle a whitebait fritter 30kms into a marathon, but if it's presented I'll probably give it a try. The worst food experience I've had was when I did the Ottosdal Night Marathon some years ago, and couldn't resist a couple of cinnamon pancakes an hour before the start. It felt as if I was running in thick oil, and ended more than half an hour slower than anticipated. But maybe I was just having a bad day anyway - I shouldn't blame the pancakes until I've tried it once or twice more, just to have a scientifically verifiable result.
Some years ago, Wouna and I did the Cape Odyssey race in South Africa - a multi-day stage-run covering about 200km off-road over a 5 day period. Each night the organisers set up camp in a new location, providing food and accommodation to participants between the different stages. To their credit, we were extremely well looked after, so much so that, for example, we were treated each morning to a huge breakfast including cereal, yoghurt, fruit, eggs, sausage or bacon, and toast. The organisers of the Cape Odyssey are also responsible for the famous Cape Epic multi-day cycle race, and the story at the time was that these big breakfasts were very popular with the cyclists, as it's more possible to cycle on a full stomach - you don't bounce as much as you do when running. Not being much of a cyclist myself, I wouldn't know, but I would be interested to know how the cyclists out there feel about this.
Anyway, for the runners with sensitive stomachs these breakfasts were obviously a total waste - each morning you saw them nibbling on a piece of fruit, or a bit of yoghurt and meusli for the more adventurous, staring longingly at the five course breakfast laid out on the table.
Not me, though - I made sure that I sampled everything on offer, with the result that I probably ended the five day run weighing more than I did when I started. Sure, the first few km's each day was quite tough, with my body being unsure whether it should put more effort into digesting my breakfast or nursing my tender leg muscles. But other than that everything was swell, and no one could say that I didn't get my money's worth!
Many people aren't that lucky, and have to pretty much start watching their diet days before their big run. It also often takes a few very uncomfortable and even painful experiences to know what you can or cannot eat during a run. Which is why the more sensible principle, advocated in every running magazine article on nutrition, is to never try something new during a race that you haven't tested in training. During the Odyssey, Wouna experienced a pretty severe reaction to a well-known brand of carbo-fuel that we had never tried before, leaving her stomach feeling heavy as a rock for more than a day. Also on this race, we discovered her favourite and most effective race-food to be a nice, fresh, crunchie Packham pear. We have since also found that strawberries are an excellent pre-race snack, causing no adverse effects during the run. Like me, she'll never say no to a nice, well-salted piece of boiled potato either. Thus Wouna's very simple and effective eating-rule has become "No space foods - keep it fresh and natural!".
So what do you like to eat during a run? Can you handle what comes your way, or do you have to decline the roadside offers? And what's your take on space food? Do carbo-loading shakes, oxygen tablets and protein recovery drinks work for you, or do you rather prefer fresh fruit and berries?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Please join us!

Wow, the first post in a new blog ...
Always a daunting proposition, isn't it? Almost like the first run after a long lay-off. You want to do it, you know you're going to feel much better once you've done it, but still you can't help coming up with all kinds of clever excuses for postponing until tomorrow.
As a master procrastinator, I know all about postponing. If you ever need a reason for putting something off until tomorrow, just ask me - I will give you five excellent excuses without pausing to catch my breath!
But lets not get distracted - back to the task at hand. I am hugely excited about this blog, and I really hope in time others will share my excitement.
How often have you picked up a running magazine with inspiring cover stories like "Running your best 10k", or "Getting back to running after the Christmas break", only to find that, even though it seems to be aimed at Joe Public, its really filled with technical mumbo-jumbo from Professor Personal Best, or Olympic triathlete Sally Super Sprint, involving things like VO2 max, lactate threshold and aerobic capacity - enough to make your head hurt so bad that you feel like rather lying down and postponing that big run until tomorrow.
With this blog, what we hope to do is share the experiences of normal, everyday people who love to run. Who run because its fun, and who enjoy the endorphin rush that comes for free. I'm not fast. Heck, I'm hardly average. But I know that even if I go out and run five kilometers at a seven minute pace, I've achieved more than 90% of the population who's biggest exercise achievement for the day is walking from the car to the office (or from the office to the canteen, whichever is further).
Jog around the Blog is a for everyone who loves running, simple as that.
For those who love stepping out for an invigorating early morning jog, but finds getting out of bed tough as hell. For those who love the burn of cold air in their lungs, irrespective of technicalities like fartleks, negative splits, or 90% race pace. For whom a black (or missing) big toe nail is just part of your look. For whom sharing war stories with the back-of-the-pack gang at races is as important as clocking up a new PB.
Whether you prefer the solitude of a daily lone run, get energised by a weekly run around the neighbourhood with regular running buddies, or love hitting some far away mountain track, we sincerely hope you will find something of interest on this blog.
And more importantly, it would be swell to hear your thoughts and opinions, to make this a lively and exciting community for runners, joggers, wigglers, wobblers, shufflers and walkers of all abilities.
Well, there you have it. The first blog post for Jog around the Blog. That wasn't so difficult, was it? So what are you waiting for - I managed a whole blog post, so get those smelly running shoes from under the bed. No more excuses.
And when you get back home, sweaty and with that silly post-run grin on your face, we'd love for you to let us know how it was.